Salford Food Share

Salford Food Share is a partnership of all the major food crisis services in the city. Our aim is to, by better partnership working; make sure that nobody in Salford needs to go hungry. We are working together to make sure that a strong and effective network of food crisis services is operating throughout the city. We want to increase the quality of food support for people in food crisis. We also want to work in partnership to improve the access to advice and support services for people in food crisis, so as to help them to resolve the cause of any food crisis.

The network is open to any organisation working in Salford around food crisis. It meets as a full network four times a year. The network has been established as a company limited by guarantee – and is working charitably. It head office is located at Langworthy Cornerstone.

If you would like to know more about the network, or about any food crisis services in your community, please feel free to contact us further.

The network is funded by Salford Clinical Commissioning Group.

For any enquires about our work you can contact the network’s chair:

Tom Togher

Information about Food Crisis services in Salford:

Before you use this information you need to check how services are accessed. For example, food banks will ask you to go to a voucher holder first, for example your local Citizens Advice. It is best to check individual websites for the latest information and advice before travelling or referring people for assistance.

Times and Links